Gender diversity groups founder and coordinator in Toronto (10 years)
Grassroots campaigning for the People's Party of Canada (PPC) in 2021: Recorded and distributed
speeches at the PPC rally at the Leaders' Debate in front of the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau
Appointed as candidate for Member of Parliament by two of Canada's most distinguished champions of
public service and political integrity: Mel Hurtig (Leader of the National Party of Canada in 1993) and The Hon. Paul Hellyer (Leader of the Canadian Action Party in 1999)
Nominated to be a candidate for the Canadian Senate by community supporters
Campaigned for two of Ottawa's most distinguished former councillors Alex Munter and Peter Harris
Other campaign experience with the Progressive Conservative, Liberal, NDP and Green parties
Community Service
President, Ottawa Book Expo and Toronto Book Expo (current)
Ottawa Restaurant Goers founder and coordinator (10 years)
Ottawa singles community networking founding and coordinator (15 years)
Former Board of Directors member in Vanier Community Association
Municipal appointment, Environmental Advisory Committee (former City of Kanata)
Cable TV producer
Founding community TV producer, Cross-Cultures talk show
Featured on Ottawa's CTV morning show and Rogers TV Ottawa
Sponsored by First Nations radio in Ottawa and PBS TV stations in the United States, including WPBS-TV
in Watertown, New York
Featured on Ottawa's CTV morning show and Rogers TV Ottawa
- Consultant in human rights and labour law
- Author: Axel & Rémy (2021);
Canadian Constitutional Development since 1535 (2003);
Toward a Native Canadian Equal Rights Amendment (2002);
National Identity in Canada and Cosmopolitan Community (1997)
- Executive Labour Relations responsibilities held with a crown corporation
- Served in the office of The Hon. Paul Dyck, Minister
PhD, Constitutional Law studies, UNE (ABD)
M.A. studies, Carleton University
B.A. Honours - University College, University of
Labour Management Relations
International Relations
Geography (Minor)
Trainee Solicitors Group (TSG), Law Society of England and Wales
Geography Award
Political Science Conference Committee
Award for Distinguished Service to the Jewish Community
Half-marathon; social dancing; world of cuisine including exploring restaurants, cooking and baking.