Our vision and policy agenda

Our vision is for Ontario to become second-to-none in all measures of quality-of-living, not only in Canada, but the world.

We support the affirmation of Canadian sovereignty against Mr. Trump's neo-fascist expansionist agenda. Canada shall not be "coerced" nor otherwise endorse U.S. annexation. Canada is not for sale. We also support the development of a robust Ontario economy based upon the need to support a just society for all.

Let's work toward the following areas to support the rejuvenated leadership of Ontario in the development of Canada:

1) Support a climate of innovation and expansion for small business communities and cultural/artistic organizations as pivotal driving forces of job creation in Ontario. This action includes direct support for visible minorities and First Nations groups.

2) Support the rights of independent farmers and farm communities as the backbone of Ontario's rural life and food supply;

3) Support fair and equitable labour conditions for all Ontarians, including universal access to childcare and mental health support;

4) Re-empower doctor-patient relations in the fight against COVID-19 and to make unlawful any organization in the province of Ontario that seeks to coerce anyone to take a COVID-19 jab;

5) Ensure anyone who takes the jab has access to information on any risks and dangers associated with taking it;

6) Require all Ontario public health authorities to provide information on how to build their immunity in the fight against COVID-19 and ensure that anyone who contracts COVID-19 has immediate access to safe and effective early treatment protocols to prevent hospitalization;

7) Expand the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) to include naturopathic and homeopathic doctors to ensure that all Ontarians can avail themselves of immunity-boosting information for their well-being;

8) Champion a Quality-of-Living Bill of Rights for Ontario based upon public consultation to serve as a blueprint to eradicate involuntary homelessness, ensure timely provision of universal healthcare services for all, ensure excellent conditions for all seniors living in extended care facilities regardless of their ability to pay, and safeguard our environment from pollution that threatens the health of human and other biological species. This includes access to safe drinking water, clean air, and the monitoring of the effects of EMF/"radio wave pollution" on all biological species;

9) Champion human rights enforcement mechanisms that actually work. The Ontario Human Rights Commission is completely under-resourced and totally ineffective as a deterrent and a punitive mechanism for complainants to receive redress for human rights infringements. Organizations that practice systemic discrimination create economically disadvantaged and marginalized communities and areas of social despair resulting in cultures of violent crime, substance abuse, and mental illness. This in turn leads to unnecessary drains on public resources in both healthcare services and policing, in addition to the basic infringements of inviolable rights;

10) Ensure that all Ontario's schools enforce an environment free of systemic discrimination for all students and teachers alike, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, or other grounds prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code;

11) Demand the decriminalization of all substances used for bodily consumption and public oversight in a safe supply for all users of such substances in a similar manner that has already been implemented regarding cannabis. The continued criminalization of substances and a lack of a safe supply has resulted in the opioid crisis, which has caused as many deaths as COVID-19, according to official data;

12) Demand the total decriminalization of sex work, including the removal of all criminal laws around sex work and immigration provisions that restrict migrant sex workers from working in the industry. This includes the removal of all laws that criminalize sex workers, clients, and third parties.

13) Move funding designated for "vaccine passports" into a properly funded one-tier universal healthcare system which guarantees timely access to state-of-the-art medical facilities for all Ontarians;

14) Stop the "climate change" scam and immediately protect our environment from senseless destruction. Climate change is a scam based upon the creation of targets that policy makers know will never be achieved. Its purpose is to exploit a public conscience which desires to protect our environment. Notably, climate change rhetoric has also been used by elites to hijack the environmental movement from a focus away from pollution into cynical "carbon trading" as if pollution is a tradable commodity. Furthermore, climate change, which is the result of cyclical changes in Earth's position relative to the sun, cannot be easily separated from alleged human-made "climate change." Therefore, the most rational approach on environmental stewardship in Ontario is to redress destructive pollution at all levels and not on "carbon footprints";

15) Reform Ontario's justice system, which is being corrupted by lawyers and judges focused on serving those Ontarians who have the most money at the expense of underprivileged Ontarians subjected to onerous legal fees that prevent them from availing their rights in Ontario courts of law. These barriers are made worse by difficult-to-understand statutes for anyone who has not gone to law school and whose rights have been infringed. All statutes and laws in the province of Ontario must be re-written in ordinary language to better enable all Ontarians who seek to be self-litigants to reaffirm their rights;

16) Ensure that all Ontarians who cannot afford lawyer fees in court litigation should also be provided access to a public defender, whose fees will be regulated to ensure affordability for all;

17) Free tuition for first year students to enable all Ontarians regardless of income to have an opportunity to experience university and community college life in order to be inspired to continue the pursuit of a higher education. This will support more innovation in Ontario by expanding the knowledge base of our economy through students who have the desire to expand their horizons with higher education;

18) Support the development of high-speed rail linking major cities across Ontario with the participation of the airline industry to reduce ozone pollution by air and road traffic, principal sources of pollution. Correspondingly stop the further expansion of Ontario highways, a needless source of pollution that also destroys agricultural lands and environmentally sensitive ecological habitats;

19) De-amalgamate any city which was forcibly amalgamated under former Premier Mike Harris based upon any substantive evidence that the ability of citizens to have a say in local affairs and decisions that affect their quality-of-living on a municipal level has been subverted;

20) Reform the Ontario Municipal Board, which has become totally corrupted by the interests of developers over the rights of communities;

21) Ensure transparency and accountability in the awarding of all provincial government contracts and require that any institution seeking a government contract affirms the Ontario Human Rights Code.